He Took My Lickin' For Me

He Took My Lickin' For Me
Timothy Robinson

32 Pages

Ages 4-8


Many of you have probably heard this story circulated through emails--I know that is the first place that I heard it. So when I fond it in picture book, I knew that I had to read it. This is the story of a group of wild boys who seemed to chase every teacher out of the class room. However, one young teacher believed that he had what it took to tame these boys. The first day he was there, he had the boys draw up rules for the class that everyone would have to follow. The boys shouted out some rules that they thought would be good ones to have. One shouted out "no stealing." In response to this, the teacher asked what the punishment should be for stealing. After all, without a punishment, no one would obey the rule. The boys came up with the idea that if someone was caught stealing then they should get ten lashes without a coat. Well the days past and all seemed well. However, the day came when Big Tom came in and told the class that someone had stolen his lunch. The teacher questioned the boys and fond the thief to be a little boy named Jim. He called the boy to the frond of the class and told him to take off his coat. The boy told the teacher that he would take his licking but asked that he be allowed to keep his coat on. The teacher told the boy that he had agreed to live by the same rules as all of the other boys and that included taking his coat off for the licking. Jim took off his coat to reveal that he was not wearing a shirt. When the teacher questioned him, Jim told him that his dad was dead and his mom was very poor. He only owned one shirt and it was currently being washed. It was then that Big Tom stood up and insisted that he take Little Jim's licking. The teacher agreed but after the fifth stroke the rod broke.

I have to admit that the first time I read this story, I cried like a little baby. If this is the first time you've heard of this story, I'm sorry that you read it here and not the actual story. Please, if you have not read the story, please find it. It is a story that should be read by every one at least once in their lives.


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