The New Girl... and Me

The New Girl... and Me
Jacqui Roppins

32 Pages

Ages 4-8


This Books is not long at all but it is a darling little story about learning to talk to other people. The story follows a little girl who just had a new girl come to class. There the teacher tells her to tell the class her name. When all she says is "I have an iguana" the teacher tells the class that her name is Shakeeta and that she wants them all to make her feel at home. The girl doesn't really understand the phrase. She wonders what Shakeeta's home must be like if she could ever feel "at home" at school. At school all of the girls want to show her around. But there is a mean boy who makes fun of her and won't let her play soccer with the rest of the kids. The two girls become friends after the main character's shy inquiry about Shakeeta's iguana.


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