Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl

Eoin Colfer


280 Pages

Ages 9-12


Artemis Fowl is the story of a twelve-year-old criminal mastermind who has devised a way of gaining back his family's fortune. Artemis believes that he has discovered the existence of fairies and after considerable research has tracked down one of them. From her he obtains The Book of the People, the fairy holy book with all of their laws and codes. From this book he learns of the ransom that could be gained from kidnapping a fairy. He puts his plan into action by kidnapping a LEP officer named Holly. However, the LEP do not agree to the ransom right off and Artemis is faced with challenges he had not expected. He confronts an inept crack retrieval team, kleptomaniac gnome, and a troll. It is likely that his plan would not have succeeded had it not been for Artemis's body guard, Butler.

I absolutely adore these books. They are ingenious tales of a young boy who knows more than he should. Artemis is clever and quick witted. However, I think my absolute favorite character has got to be Butler. He is what every body guard should be--a weapons expert who could just as easily kill you with his bare hands.

Other books in the Series:
Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex


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