The Number Devil

The Number Devil

Hans Magnus Enzensberger


264 Pages

Ages 9-12


The Number Devil is a charming tale of a little boy with nightmares. Robert dreaded going to sleep because every night he had dreams of the devil. However, these were not demonic dreams; rather, he dreamt that the devil would visit him at night and teach him a different mathematical procedure. In this mathematical adventure, the reader is taken step by step through everything from basic addition through exponential numbers with adorable examples that allows you to apply the math to real life.

This book helped me so much when I was younger. In fact, I had to read it in sections as I grew up mainly because there are things in there that can only be understood when you reach a certain level. For instance, you wouldn't expect a nine-year-old to understand about exponential growth, but the multiplication and division examples could be quite useful.


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