The Missing Piece Meets the Big O
Shel Silverstein
104 Pages
Ages 9-12
In a world that consists of Os and missing pieces, one missing piece wishes to find to whom it belonged. It found many Os with missing pieces, but none of them fit. Some were too large; some were too small. Some were greedy (trying to fit more pieces than it had room for) and some had too many pieces missing. The missing Piece nearly gave up until it came across a big O. The Big O seemed perfect, but when the missing piece asked to be its missing piece, the Big O replied that it had no piece missing. The Missing Piece feared that it would never be able to roll. The big O then explained that the missing Piece didn't need another to allow it to roll. Even the sharpest edge can be warn down. So the Missing Piece began to flip itself over and over until its edges began to smooth and it could roll just as easily as if it were its own O.
I adore this story for it teaches seems to tell me that I don't need another to complete me. I can do anything I want to do if only I set my determination. If I wait around to have another complete my O then I could end up waiting forever.
Other Book by the Author:
Take Ten
Grab Your Socks!
Now Here's My Plan
Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book
A Playboy's Teevee Jeebies oh la la
(Uncle Shelby's story of) Lafcadio: The Lion Who Shot Back
A Giraffe and a Half
The Giving Tree
Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros?
Uncle Shelby's Zoo
More Playboy's Teevee Jeebies
Where the Sidewalk Ends
The Missing Piece
Different Dances
A Light in the Attic
Falling Up
Draw a Skinny Elephant
Runny Babbit
Don't Bump the Glump! and Other Fantasies
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