Tops and Bottoms

Tops and Bottoms

Janet Stevens


29 Pages

Ages 4-8


A Charming tale of a cunning rabbit and a lazy bear. Hair and his family have been starving while the Bear who owns all the land chooses to sleep through every harvest season. Hair comes up with a plan and approaches Bear with a business proposal. The rabbit would plant and care for the crops while the bear could sleep the time away on his porch and when the time came for harvest they would split the crop down the middle. Three times Hair fooled Bear and took the crop for him and his family, leaving the bear with nothing but leaves or roots. When the bear finally realized that no matter what he said the hair would always cheat him out of his fair share, he took to planting and harvesting the crops for himself.

Other Books by the Author:

Anansi and the Magic Stick

And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon

From Pictures to Words : A Book about Making a Book

Shoe Town

Old Bag of Bones : A Coyote Tale

Illustrated by Janet Stevens

To Market, to Market by Anne Miranda

Tumbleweed Stew by Susan Stevens Crummel


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