Wait til Helen Comes

Wait Til Helen Comes

Mary Downing Hahn


192 Pages

Ages 9-12


Molly and Michael have just been handed a five-year-old bratty stepsister who delights in making their lives miserable. On top of their mom's remarriage, they have been informed that they are moving into an old rundown church for the summer. Molly had never been fond of grave yards and is creeped out to find one in their new backyard. Even more disturbing is when Heather, Molly and Michael's stepsister, finds her initials carved into one of the headstones. Heather becomes a little too familiar with her new friend Helen, a ghost that mainly only appears to her, and understand Helen to be her only friend. Helen has similar feelings and wants nothing more than for Heather to stay with her forever. Molly and Michael arrive moments before Heather is drowned by her "friend" and convince her that they could be friends too if only they made a little effort.

The concept behind the story isn't that bad, but I felt that it could have been done a little better. he writing style was good. However, it was a predictable ghost story. You could practically guess everything that was about to happen before it did and there is little enjoyment in knowing things before they happy. Though the suggested age group is 9-12, I would put it more around 8-10. I don't see anyone older than 10 getting much enjoyment out of this.

Other Books by the Author

All the Lovely Bad Ones

Deep and Dark and Dangerous

The Doll in the Garden

Closed for the Season

The Dead Man in Indian Creek


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